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Brand Change Announcement: AegirBio AB has officially changed its name to Magnasense AB. The new website,, launched on 9 July 2024, with redirects from

Aegirbio receives new major order from Asia worth in excess of MSEK 400 – Vietnam becomes the next country of establishment

Aegirbio’s test for COVID-19 is now about to be established also in Vietnam, following an order of more than MSEK 400. The tests will be delivered in the period between August and October. This is an additional order to the MSEK 400 order received from Thailand a little over a week ago. This entails that Aegirbio continues its expansion with the intent of covering the entire region, with a population of 600 million inhabitants.

“Our effort to establish ourselves in Asia is bearing fruit. The plan is to use Thailand as the base and move into the neighbouring countries from there, offering high-quality, simple, and reliable COVID-19 saliva tests. This is only the beginning, and we are actively working to enhance production capacity further in order to satisfy market demand. AegirBio’s and our customers’ projections for this part of the world is that the need for this type of tests will remain serious for a long time to come, at least for the next 12 months. It is gratifying to see that Vietnam now also considers our test a major component of the contact tracing in the country, and this ensures that we will be able to sell large volumes over a long period of time,” says Martin Linde, CEO of AegirBio.

This information is information that AegirBio is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:44 CET on 2021-07-16.

For more information, please contact:

Anders Ingvarsson, SO Aegirbio AB
Telephone: +46 706 791 878

Martin Linde, CEO Aegirbio AB
Telephone: +46 706 730 968

Aegirbio is a Swedish diagnostics company established to offer tests to monitor and optimize the dosing of biological drugs by means of a unique, patented technology platform. Biological therapies is the fastest growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry; a quarter of all drugs are projected to be biological in 2020. At the same time, drug concentrations vary tremendously (up to 100 times) in patients that receive biological drugs in standard doses.

The result of this one size fits all-approach is that patients with low drug concentrations do not respond to treatment, while excessive drug concentrations increase the risk of adverse effects in others. The uncertainty surrounding dosing results in overdosing or underdosing in about 55 percent of the cases, which causes unnecessary costs, suboptimal clinical outcomes, and a higher proportion of patients suffering severe side effects.

The Company has completed acquisitions that ensure long-term access to key technologies and open up new application areas. Through these acquisitions, Aegirbio, rooted in laboratory testing, have in a short period of time added technologies and skills to the Company to make headway towards becoming the multidiagnostic company it has set out to be.

Aegirbio is now building its operations around technologies for

  • Rapid testing for indicative and quick results
  • Point of Need, quantitative home tests for chronic diseases
  • Point of Care, quantitative point-of-care tests for routine controls in clinics and health centres
  • Laboratory tests for monitoring patients treated with biological drugs.

The acquisitions provide the Company the means to develop new diagnostics to enable people to monitor their own health issues. In addition to bringing innovative diagnostic technology to

market, the Company’s ambition in that regard is to make diagnostics more accurate, easier to use and with precise and easily transferable results.

For more information, please visit Aegirbio’s website,

Certified adviser for the company is Eminova Fondkommission AB  | +468-684 211 00 |